Senior Engineering Geologist (Supervisory)
To be considered for this position, you must apply at To apply you must first create a CalCareers account. Once your account is created you can search 466268 CalCareers to locate the job posting and apply.
Note: This position will no longer be available on CalCareers after the job closes on 03/14/2025. No applications will be accepted after the job closing date.
Currently, this position is eligible to operate under a hybrid telework plan of four days in the office and one day of telework, based on operational needs. The initial training period for this position will require the candidate to work 100% in the office.
The Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board (Board) provides regulatory oversight of a wide variety of activities that pose a threat to the quality of the region’s surface and ground water. The Board’s Redding office has a tight-knit management team and highly capable staff that together aim to influence practices and policies statewide.
We are looking for a motivated and experienced candidate to fill a Senior Engineering Geologist (Sr. EG) (Supervisory) position to hire, train, mentor and supervise technical staff responsible for providing regulatory oversight of challenging cannabis cultivation activities in the Cannabis Regulation and Enforcement Unit. The incumbent will work closely with internal and external partners to integrate geological, environmental and watershed management expertise to ensure cannabis cultivation activities meet the goals of achieving and maintaining high quality waters for the benefit of current and future generations. The incumbent will successfully work with a variety of parties from diverse backgrounds and education, including engineers, geologists, environmental scientists, scientific aids, clerical staff, managers, and legal counsel.
The position is located at 364 Knollcrest Dr. Ste 205, Redding, CA 96002.
Under the general direction of the Division Chief, the incumbent will plan, coordinate, direct, and supervise staff charged with the following components of the Cannabis Regulatory Program:
- Permitting/permit compliance
- Outreach
- Enforcement
The incumbent will oversee unit staff efforts to permit and regulate discharges of waste pollution) from cannabis cultivation activities conducted on lands throughout the northern half of the region. The incumbent will participate in and oversee staff in the conduct of the above listed activities to ensure conformance with state and regional board permitting requirements and in the pursuit of enforcement actions against those found in violation.
The incumbent will work closely with the Division Chief and the Cannabis Program Manager to implement board priorities, manage unit workload, and meet annual program work plan goals. The incumbent will be responsible for developing and maintaining an efficient, capable, and knowledgeable technical unit and must have the necessary skills to hire, train, mentor, coach and manage a diverse, multi-disciplinary staff working in a challenging, complex program to protect and enhance water quality throughout the region.
Other duties include: complaint response; responding to public information requests; preparation and presentation of informational items, permitting, and enforcement actions before the Regional Water Board and State Water Board; participation in committees; participating and leading public meetings; and coordinating with other programs and agencies to efficiently implement the Board’s priorities. Establishing and maintaining effective relationships and communicating with appropriate internal program managers, providing feedback and status updates on annual program work plan goals/commitments. Coordinating with, supporting, and contributing to the Redding management team in achieving team goals.
Please let us know how you heard about this position by taking this brief survey: Recruitment Survey.
See the Duty Statement for more information.
Additional information:
Candidates must possess essential personal qualifications including integrity, initiative, dependability, good judgment, the ability to work cooperatively with others, and the ability to perform the assigned duties of the class.
If the position requires driving, you must possess a current and valid driver’s license. Please Do Not include full Social Security Number, method of eligibility, and LEAP information in your application package.
Salary information – CalHR salary rules allow appointment at the entrance rate (Cal. Code Regs., tit. 2, § 599.673) of classification. For classes with alternate ranges, placement is based on education/experience.
You will find additional information about the job in the Duty Statement.
Job Types: Full -Time
Salary: $11,104.00 - $13,898.00 per Month